Chief Executive Officer, Raymond Foundation
Board Chair and President, GI Cancers Alliance
Patient-reported outcomes
Consultant/Pharma & Nonprofit Program Development,

Head of Digital Strategy and Experience, Merative, GI Cancers Alliance Board, Vice President

Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, PhD Scholar. Harvard University Class of 2019 and 2024 President, GI Cancers Alliance
Founder & CEO Niola Cancer Care Foundation, Nigeria Global Speaker, Patient Navigator

Founder, Pound Dog Copywriting Senior Copywriter for broadcast, print and media Medical and healthcare copywriter and researcher

Marketing, Special Events and Public Relations Professional Healthcare Advocacy Consultant

Directrice Generale, Chief Executive Officer Foundation A.R.C.A.D. - Aide et Recherche en Cancérologie Digestive

Vice President and Board of Directors, EuropaColon Poland Board of Directors, Digestive Cancers Europe (DICE)

Founding Co-Chair Emeritus GI Cancers Alliance