Our Mission
Colorectal Cancer Canada is a national non-profit organization comprised of volunteers, members, and management led by a board of directors. An expert medical advisory board, made up of top healthcare professionals in the field of colorectal cancer, provides counsel to the CCC to ensure members are kept abreast of the latest medical advances in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Our Goals
The mandate of Colorectal Cancer Canada is threefold: awareness, support, and advocacy.
The CCC carries out a wide variety of awareness and education events throughout the year to increase the profile of colorectal cancer in Canada and educate the public. We participate in health forums and conferences, distribute educational material, hold free information sessions, and produce public service announcements for television, radio and print.
As a patient-based organization, we understand the needs of those diagnosed with colorectal cancer and their families. Compassion, knowledge and understanding are offered through support groups across the country, connecting patients, survivors, and caregivers.
The CCC works to inform key decision-makers of the two biggest concerns for colorectal cancer prevention and care in Canada: nation-wide screening and patient access to effective medical treatments. The CCC interacts with politicians and officials through roundtable discussions , press conferences, and educational events to promote effective policy. As issues evolve, the CCC remains at the forefront making sure patients’ needs are heard.