About Us
We place a great emphasis on the prevention of colon cancer by sparking the conversation about its behavioral risk factors – considering that our audience is young adults– through aggressive education and awareness initiatives, such as our “Blue Knots” campaign.
Many view colon cancer as an “old person’s disease,” but researchers have proven that rates are steadily climbing in young adults. We feel the best way to decrease the number of preventable deaths is through early and consistent advocacy of education about the disease and risk factors. Colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in both men and women partly because of the unfamiliarity and ignorance of its modifiable risk factors and screening measures, hence our primary focus on education and awareness.
We target our audience through athletic awareness events, such as our newly created Grown Up Games, and our Kick & Roll Classic Basketball Event, the biggest sneaker-themed awareness event in the USA. Knowing that young adults are often diagnosed at later stages in the disease, we serve to give them a fighting chance!
Support Resources
Currently, colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer, is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in both men and women and the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in America. Last year, the American Cancer Society estimated that 136,830 people would be diagnosed with colorectal cancer and 50,310 people would succumb to the disease. Yet, one of the most remarkable things about colon cancer is that it’s one of, if not the most preventable, treatable, and beatable cancers in the world. Get screened!